The five major elements that affect health, the festival is ranked second, the third sleep is the third, and the first is ignored by many people

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#I Health Poster PK race#

Mr. Zhang is a busy urban white -collar worker who works for more than ten hours a day and often work overtime until late at night; his life is almost filled with work, and he rarely has time to pay attention to his health. Recently, Mr. Zhang found that he often felt exhausted and exhaustedThe efficiency of work declines, and even feels powerless in getting along with his partner; he starts to realize that it is not a way to go on, and you must change;

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, health is not just no disease, it is a perfect state of physical, spiritual and social adaptation; to reach this state, we need to pay attention to the five major elements that affect health: emotional nourishment, diet, moderate, moderate, moderate, moderate, moderate, moderate, moderate, moderate, moderate, moderate, moderate, moderate, moderate diet, moderate diet, moderate diet, moderate diet, moderate diet, moderate diet, moderate diet, moderate, moderate diet, moderate diet, moderate diet, moderate diet, moderate diet, moderate diet, moderate diet, moderate diet, moderate diet, moderate diet, moderate diet, moderate diet, moderate diet, moderate diet, moderate, moderate, moderate, moderate, moderate, moderate, moderate, moderate, moderate, moderate, moderate, moderate, moderate, moderate, moderate, moderate, moderate diet, moderate diet, moderate diet.Exercise, festivals and good sleep; these elements affect each other to maintain our health together;

Emotional, that is, emotion and mentality is the primary factor that affects health; negative emotions such as long -term pressure, anxiety, and depression can cause qi and blood disorders, and then affect the function of the viscera.Due to the stress of long -term work and emotional tension;

suggestion: Learn to regulate your emotions and keep your mentality calm; you can try meditation, yoga or simple deep breathing exercises to relieve stress; at the same time, cultivate hobbies, such as painting, music, etc., helping to relax;

Diet is the basic condition for maintaining life activities, and it is also an important factor that affects health; Mr. Zhang is busy at work, often takeaway or fast food, a single diet structure, and uneven nutrition;

suggestion: Maintain diverse diet, and reasonably match protein, fat and carbohydrates; eat more fresh vegetables and fruits to ensure sufficient vitamins and mineral intake; at the same time, avoid overshide, Chinese medicine pays attention to “rice is not full”, so as not to increase the burden on the spleen and stomach burden.Items

Exercise is an effective means to maintain good health; Mr. Zhang has been sitting for a long time and lacks exercise, which leads to the gradual decline in physical functions;

suggestion: At least 30 minutes of medium -intensity exercise per day, such as fast walking, jogging, swimming, etc.; Chinese medicine also advocates a “combination of work and rest”.

Festive desire refers to the moderate control of sexual desire and maintaining energy; Mr. Zhang feels powerless in the relationship with his partner, in part of the reason may be insufficient energy;

suggestion: Keep a moderate sexual life and avoid excessive damage to essence. At the same time, you can supplement the essence of essence, such as black sesame, walnut, etc.;

Sleep is an important time for physical recovery and repair; Mr. Zhang’s poor sleep quality directly affects his physical health and work efficiency;

suggestion: Keep regular schedule, try to go to bed and get up at a fixed time every day; create a quiet and comfortable sleeping environment to avoid using electronic equipment before going to bed;, Listen to light music, etc.;

Through the above adjustments, Mr. Zhang can gradually improve his health and improve the quality of life; remember that health is a lifestyle that requires our continuous attention and efforts; let us act together to be responsible for our health;

Before this article, I would like to ask everyone a question: What are you doing?Many people may say that they are desire or sleep, but as a doctor, I want to remind everyone that it is often ignored by many people; that is our mentality; a positive mentality, to usHealth is important;

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